Feast is a kind of strategic investment company副本.jpg

We bring innovative food and beverage startups to China, the world's biggest consumer market


In 2013, China’s grocery market crossed the one trillion-dollar mark and became the largest food and beverage market in the world. Since then, this growth has accelerated even further and it is without a doubt that the future of the world's food industry will be shaped in China.

Over half of the population here now lives in cities. The young urban middle class dominates new consumer trends and is hungry for innovation. Their curiosity and open attitude towards new food concepts will decide which companies thrive and which ones fail.

Most startups in the food and beverage business do not have the knowledge or financial fire power to set up shop on a different continent. Feast Creative Foods is a strategic investment company. We work with innovative F&B brands and bring them to China. We're hands-on, part of the team, committed and true entrepreneurial partners on the ground and at the frontlines in China's supermarkets. We work hand-in-hand with our partner startups to bring their awesome products to the world’s biggest consumer market. Bang!!

What we do


The food industry is changing

For generations, consumers have been deluded by Big Food and they have started to realise that. The Fruit Loops of the world are fast loosing market share. And the past years have seen a bloom of thousands of innovative food and beverage startups offering more transparent, more individualised and more nutritious alternatives. Some industry observers already refer to the food industry as "the new internet". 

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CHINA is upgrading its consumption Patterns

The instant noodle is dying. The rise of the middle class, the increase of products available on the market, coupled with a lack of confidence in local food supply chains have led to dramatic changes in the grocery shopping landscape.

China has quickly become the biggest marketplace for nearly all FMCG categories. Food continues to secure a lion share of the overall spending behaviour outperforming transportation, the next ranked category, by a factor of 2x. By 2020, the Chinese online grocery market is set to be worth almost US$ 280 billion. 

Providing enough food at acceptable levels of quality and at an affordable cost is shaping up to be one of China’s most challenging issue. And sales of imported food will continue to grow at double digits. 


What we are looking for

We are looking for enthusiastic entrepreneurs with a vision and a mind-blowing product compatible with the demand in China's supermarkets,  restaurants and online stores.  We seek to partner with the best-in-class food innovators and management teams to help accelerate their international growth and boost their strategic value with a meaningful presence in the world's largest consumer market.  (Click here to find out how to become a partner company.)

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China growth Partners

Feast Creative Foods is a China-focused platform investing in emerging consumer brands. Our team has decades of experience in marketing, media and China's food industry. And we pulled all our resources together to support Western food startups in China like no one else can. 

For our partner companies, we are import agents, community builders, marketing experts, brand ambassadors, distributors, networkers, sales managers, trade show representatives and their very own office in China. Our goals are fully aligned. We work completely transparently and we're just as excited about new food concepts as you are. 
